Monday, June 4, 2012

Revised Statement of Purpose

I want to convince my audience that life is important.  I want to move them visually while leaving them with things to ponder.  Survival is important no matter how hard the situation is.  My audience will be my professor and classmates while my secondary audience will be anyone who views my project on YouTube.  I expect questions from both my classmates as well as YouTube viewers.  My project will be shown in class to my classmates while my professor will most likely view it first in her office alone.  Because I will be showing this video in a college setting it will not contain any obscene language or material.  It will however be powerful and moving.  For my project, I hope to communicate the importance of surviving.  I want the audience to realize that no matter how hard life is, they have to keep living.  I hope that my audience will be entertained by my project, as well as moved.  The message in my project can be interpreted many ways. Some people may think that the character is going to be murdered, for others their first thought may be that she is getting raped.  I want my audience to assume whatever comes to mind for them.  I want my piece to be an open canvas where they can project their interpretation while figuring out my message of survival. The best outcome would be that my audience can clearly understand my major argument.  The worst outcome would be that my audience is bored with my video or they cannot understand what my major argument is. I want to make a piece that will move the audience as well as motivate them.

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