Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Web 2.0 by Tim O'Reilly

Web 2.0 is a term that is completely unknown to me.  In the beginning of the web page Tim O'Reilly gives examples of what past digital media or Web 1.0 would be present with Web 2.0.  Personal websites are now called blogs.  Okay that makes sense...blogging seems to have become more popular lately than in the past.  There are other examples such as double click which is Web 1.0 but now the Web 2.0 term is called Google Adsense.  The other examples that the author included to try and clear up what Web 2.0 is, are completely foreign to me still.  

After the first page...I'm still thinking, "What the heck is Web 2.0?"

Tim O'Reilly includes a diagram with a box in the middle that states how the web is our (audience or public) platform.  Above he includes boxes with blogs, Wikipedia, and some other modern terms such as Flickr.  So now I am starting to wonder...is Web 2.0 a way to categorize modern websites and modern digital terms that the new generation (like people my age) are saying and using?

The author says that Web 2.0 is a new era...an era...so I'm starting to believe that Web 2.0 is not a term for with one definition.  It is a term that is an umbrella for modern digital terms and web sites.  It is a categorical term.  Web 2.0 also includes participation from the audience that is participating.  From what I gathered, Web 2.0 must include trust from the creators of sites as well as a collective team effort from users.

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